Months, Days, Seasons, Weather and Time in Arabic Language
Updated: Jul 27, 2022
Here is a summary of the most important vocabulary in Arabic about: Months, Days, Seasons, Weather, and Time, with conversational examples and sentences + Video Tutorials! All you need to know!
First, let's start with months. There are two types of calendars used across the Arabic world, not forgetting the Hijri or Islamic calendar.

*For some Muslim countries, the Hijri lunar calendar is followed instead of the Gregorian calendar (such as Saudi Arabia) or in addition to it. Some Muslim countries use the Gregorian calendar for civil purposes and the Islamic calendar for religious purposes.
The Islamic Hijri New Year 2020 is supposed to begin in the evening of Wednesday, 19 August, 2020. (This is because a day in the Islamic calendar is defined as beginning at sunset.) The new month is also determined by local sightings of the moon; hence this date may vary.
The Islamic lunar year has twelve months that are based on a lunar cycle, and is 11 to 12 days shorter than the solar Gregorian year, and does not occur on the same day of the Gregorian calendar every year.
Years in the Hijri calendar are counted since the Hijrah, which is when the Prophet (PBUH) migrated from Makkah to Madinah (approximately July 622 A.D.).
Listen to the pronounciation of the three types of Arabic calendars in this video below. Watch the video: CLICK HERE TO GO TO YOUTUBE DIRECTLY.
And now: How to ask about the date, plus some relevant vocabulary.

Days of the week and their pronunciation:

Listen to the pronounciation of days of the week in Arabic and learn to speak about your appointments and schedule, as well some school subjects, putting knowledge in a conversational and fun way to help you speak Arabic:
Listen to the names of the days of the week only:
Conversational examples:

Learn all about the weather in a conversational context + the four seasons in this video tutorial:
The four seasons in Arabic language:

Conversational examples about the weather and temperature in Arabic:

Day and night:

It's interesting how in English there is the common saying: "🌞day and night🌛", which is the same in Arabic, yet in reverse: "🌜night and day🌞". (meaning something happens all of the time, continually or nonstop...).

Full Tutorial at A1/A2 Beginner's level: -Parts of the day in Arabic -All about Arabic numbers, Counting 1 to 100 -Grammar points when counting objects: the dual form; gender disagreement (3-10); and when the counted noun is singular/plural. -Reading Text and conversation -Listening exercises -Ordinal numbers -Telling o’clock time + “past” and “to” time:
Learn about weather and more revision topic for A level/beginners level in Arabic through this short story tutorial (Different insect names in Arabic. Speaking about the weather. Describing pain and sickness symptoms. Different food names in Arabic and how to say: a slice, a piece... Using verb to come. Using verb to be/not to be, to become/not to become. The difference between verb forms I and VIII (1 and 8). Counting (gender disagreement and ordinal numbers). Using the dual form, and much more. ):
To learn very basic weather vocabulary and phrases, as well as listen to the sentences spoken in Arabic:
Yesterday, today and tomorrow:

More about time, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the past, present, and future...

Asking about the time and telling the time:

And finally a famous Arabic idiom/ saying about time:

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