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Fun Ways of Teaching Colors in Arabic for Kids (+ a Free PDF E-book with Worksheets for Download)

Updated: Aug 23, 2019

After learning the Arabic alphabet, I thought Angela was ready for the next step, which is learning colors. I was so proud of how well she was doing so far . She was showing more interest in Arabic. She was also watching more Arabic kids videos on YouTube and making an effort to use Arabic words.

I had been thinking of an interesting way to get her to know the names of the colors in Arabic. We have been watching for a while some videos with catchy tunes, our favorite being كليب الالوان colors | قناة كراميش Karameesh Tv. So, I thought we'd make use of this interesting video to play "Find the Color" game.

I collected some toys and objects, which were readily available (didn't give it much thought really). They resembled the colors sung in the video. I laid them in a bundle on the floor, and asked Angela to remove the objects one by one, in accordance to the color being called out in the song as it played. Needless to say, she had so much fun.

Getting ready to play the colors game.

After a few attempts, where obviously she made some mistakes and pronounced them awkwardly, I asked her to give her back to the television screen. She now had to play the game without looking at the screen. She did cheat a bit :). And by the way, they do say the color names in English too in the video. I didn't mind that, as long as she was learning and enjoying herself at the same time.

After that, I thought to take the game outside. The rain had stopped and the sun was shining bright in the garden. I had already planned in my head another fun game. There were a few colorful things in the garden. I added a few more to play "Find the Color" game again. We used things like her blue doll stroller, the pink rocking pony, the green grass, the black umbrella.... Who said learning can't be fun.

The next day I started browsing online for Arabic colors worksheets. I needed something that would display the color, the Arabic word for it, and a simple drawing for the child to color. I could not really find what I want. Mostly it was just colors and their names, with no activities for the child. So I decided to make my own. I used PowerPoint and Word to create beautiful and simple worksheets. You can save them from the gallery below or download the PDF e-book by clicking here. Read the word on every page out loud to the child, encourage him or her to trace it if possible and use the intended color. This way, they can associate the color with the Arabic word, and at the same time practice their first words. Save and enjoy using these interesting Arabic practice worksheets for learning colors and tracing words.

I've also made a Youtube clip about colors in Arabic, using the same worksheets.

Learning colors in Arabic is a very interesting and entertaining subject for children. Everything in life is colored. Use examples from their daily environment. For example, I've mentioned before how I'd played a game using Angela's toys. I simply played her favorite Arabic colors song on YouTube and asked her to remove or identify the toy representing the color being sung. For example, her red Elmo was used for أحمر. Her brown stuffed lamb was used for بني. I have also printed and cut out some Arabic colors flashcards for colors.

Keep using the new vocabulary of colors as often as you can, so when you are having for breakfast for example, call out the colors of the fruit or food. Or when you sorting out the laundry, use the Arabic color names.

Learning colors in Arabic for kids can be fun, through playing games and using coloring worksheets and flashcards.

Get involved and encourage the child with every possible opportunity. Children love to feel that you care and that you are praising their good work. Angela got a new pony pencil case as a reward for her progress in learning colors. We were sorting out her coloring pencils in the case, of course using the names of Arabic colors.

Once the child has learnt the colors, don't leave the subject totally behind. Re-incorporate it in daily life, whether by conversation, games, stories, or watching clips. The same goes for other subjects. I have used the colors to get Angela to write her first word in Arabic which was أزرق or blue, using a blue colored chalk on her chalk board. I had written the word for her and she copied it under my writing. Today we used the worksheets I have created to trace and write a few more color words.

Angela's first written word in Arabic :)

Finally, be flexible. You know the best way your own child can learn and what would motivate them. Read through my suggestions and other suggestions online or from people who have experimented before you, and decide for yourself what suits your child. Don't be too harsh or particular of how they are saying a certain word or spelling it out,e specially at the start. Their writing and reading skills should improve with time and practice.

Please comment and share your ideas and thoughts on this subject. Have you used any helpful techniques to teach colors to a child in Arabic? What has worked well for you and why? For free Arabic learning and reading resources, check out our Stories and Downloads pages. Don't miss out on any new additions and free resources, subscribe to the blog (click subscribe from the main menu). And stay tuned by Liking our Facebook Page. It's the best way to stay in touch! Please feel free to share any ideas, comments or resources with other readers by leaving a comment below or emailing directly to the blog.

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☺️An excellent Resource

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