Particle "Qad" in Arabic Language
Updated: Nov 14, 2022
Here is another post about particles in Arabic, often neglected in learning Arabic as a foreign language; although they can be a great tool for you to build and "diversify" your sentences. The particle "Qad" could be used in different ways to deliver different meanings. Have a look at the brain friendly flashcard or study card below:

As you may have noticed, combining "Qad" with a verb in the past tense would give a totally different meaning than with a verb in the present:
Qad + Past Tense Verb:
قَدْ سَافَرَ جَاد.
[Qad saafara Jaad.}
Jad has traveled.
This means the verb has certainly occurred or happened; no doubt about that; so "Qad" simply reinforces that.
Qad + Present Tense Verb:
Now swap the past tense verb for a present tense verb, and the meaning completely changes!
قَدْ يُسَافِرُ جاد.
{Qad yusaafiru Jad.}
Maybe Jad will travel.
There is now uncertainty and skepticism. Maybe he will; it's not certain.
قَدْ يَنْزِلُ المَطَر.
{Qad yanzilu al-matar.}
It might rain.
So again, we have skepticism and we are not certain. We are also expressing "expectation".
قَدْ يَصْدُقُ الكَذوب.
{Qad yasduku al-kazoub.}
A liar is seldom truthful; or Seldom a liar will be truthful.
Here we are expressing "seldom" or "hardly" meanings; i.e. we are literally making less the possibilities of the action happening (versus being certain of it in the first example).
And this is why I have used this heart in the picture, so could think of "Qad" as a heart particle. The heart is both: blinded by love as they say, so he would be certain or sure of anything about his loved one; or skeptic of things and not certain about them. What happened in the past has certainly happened, so we have proof (Qad + Past= certainty); but but what will happen now, we are not sure of (Qad + Present= uncertainty/ skepticism/ seldom). Hopefully this metaphorical description will help you remember "Qad" and use it more often in your sentences.
I hope the lesson was useful and enjoyable at the same time!
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