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Shopping, Asking about Price, Money Exchange, and Banking


Updated: Mar 2, 2021

Here is a summary of the most important vocabulary in Arabic about shopping, asking about price and bargaining, money exchange, as well as banking.

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Let's shop! 🛍💳 Some useful vocabulary in Arabic.

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ثَمَنْ = singular noun= Cost; price; charge; expense أَثْمان؛ أَثْمُن؛ أَثْمِنَة = plural noun

سِعْر = singular noun = Price; rate; quotation أسْعار = plural noun سِعْرُ الشِّراء؛ سِعْرُ الطَّلَب = bid price سِعْرُ الصَّرْف = exchange rate سِعْرُ الدّولار = dollar rate أسْعارٌ مدروسة = keenest prices اسْعارُ الذّهَبِ تَتَراجَعُ لِليَوْمِ الثّاني. = Gold prices decline for the second day.

اِزْدادَ الثَّمَن؛ اِرتَفَعَ الثَّمَن؛ غَلا السِّعْر. = The price increased. هبَطَ الثَّمَن؛ قَلَّ السِّعْر. = The price decreased

بَهُظَ؛ ثَمُنَ؛ غَلا = increased in price -verb رَخُصَ؛ بَخَسَ = decreased in price -verb

رَخيصُ الثَّمَن = Cheap باهِظُ الثَّمَن = Expensive

Discount= حَسْم؛ خَصْم؛ تَخْفيض؛ تَنْزيل

غَلا= verb: be or become expensive Can also mean= be excessive ; exaggerate ; exceed the proper bounds or limits ; go to extremes ; go too far ; overdo.

Allah said: "يَا أَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ لَا تَغْلُوا فِي دِينِكُمْ" Quran Surah AN NISA 171; English Translation; Sahih International: "O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion" لا تغلوا = do not commit excess

باعَ = verb: sell بائِع = salesman; active participle

Idioms: دفَع الثَّمنَ غالِياً. = .He paid a dear price سأبْذُلُ الغَالِي وَالرَّخِيص. = I will give anything I have./ I will do whatever it takes.

Money 💲and💰banking vocabulary & phrases:

Account number = رَقْمُ الحِساب [Raqmu Al-ḩisāb]

I want to withdraw money = أُريدُ أَنْ أَسْحَبَ نُقودا [ʼUrīdu ʼan ʼsḩaba nuqūdan]

I want to put/deposit money = أُريدُ أَنْ أُودِعُ نُقودا [ʼUrīdu ʼan ʼsḩaba nuqūdan]

money= مال / نُقود = [Māl / Nuqūd]

currency= عُمْلَة = [ʻUmlah]

poor = فَقير [faqīr] (in the masculine); [faqīrah] (in the feminine)

rich= ثَرِيّ [thariyy] / غَنِيّ [ghaniyy] (in the masculine); ثَرِيَّة [thariyy] / غَنِيَّة [ghaniyyah] (in the feminine)

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It's not uncommon to see Arabs arguing when the bill arrives 🤯:triumph:🤨 :money_with_wings::credit_card:, and their voices may seem loud🗣. Don't worry, they're not fighting about who's paying what; they are actually fighting over who gets to pay for everyone else! :heart_eyes: Arabs take pride in spoiling their guest and in showing their generousity. So if you are invited for dinner with them, they are most likely to offer and INSIST to pay, until you give up :smiley:. In Fusha the person offering to pay would say for example: أنا سَأَدفَع. [ʼAnā sa-ʼadfaʻ.] It's on me/ I got this (I will pay). أنا مَنْ سَيَدفَع. [ʼAnā man sa-yadfaʻ.] It's on me/ I got this (It's me who will pay). انا سَأَتَوَلّى الأَمْر. [ʼAnā sa-ʼatawallá al-ʼamr.] It's on me/ I got this (I will take care of it). اسْمَحْ لي بِالدَّفْع. [Ismaḩ lī bid-dafʻ.] It's on me/ I got this (Please, allow me to pay.) *In colloquial / some spoken dialects and NOT FUSHA: الحِساب عَلَيّ. [Al-ḩisāb ʻAlayy.] Or خَلِّيها عَلَيّ. [Khallīhā ʻAlayy.] Not your favorite words :smile:, but still useful to know. Some extra words and synonyms: تَسْدِيدُ الحِسَاب [Tasdīdu al-ḩisāb.] Paying the bill/ check تَسْديد also means payment سدَّد verb to pay سدَّدَ دَيْنَهُ. [Saddada daynahu.] He paid his debt. الدَّفْعُ الإِلِكْتُرونيّ [Ad-dafʻu al-ʼilikturūniyy] Electronic Payment

سآخذكَ:mens: إلى المَطعَم غداً. I will take you to the restaurant tommorow. I am honored to invite you for lunch in the restaurant tomorrow. The invitation is on me. يُشَرِّفُني أن أدعُوَك إلى الغَداءِ في المطعم غداً. الدَّعوَة على حِسابي. Yusharrifunī 'an ad'uwaka ila alghadā'i fī almaț'ami ghadan. Ad-da'watu 'alá Hisābī.

Below: he buys/she buys versus she he sells/she sells in Arabic

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